Nails Care

Nail Care for Athletes: Keeping Nails Healthy

Athletes put their bodies through intense physical activity, and this includes their nails. Whether it’s running, jumping, or handling equipment, nails can face a lot of wear and tear. Proper nail care is essential for athletes to prevent injuries and maintain overall nail health. This guide will provide tips on keeping nails healthy and strong, tailored specifically for athletes.

Why Nail Care Matters for Athletes

Athletes are more prone to nail injuries due to constant friction and pressure. Dr. Joshua Zeichner, a dermatologist at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, emphasizes that keeping nails trimmed and filed regularly can minimize the risk of breaks and infections (RealSelf). Nail injuries can range from minor annoyances to serious issues that could impact performance and overall health.

Common Nail Problems in Athletes

  1. Toenail Onychomycosis: Fungal infections that cause nails to become thick, discolored, and brittle.
  2. Ingrown Toenails: Nails that grow into the skin, causing pain and possible infection.
  3. Traumatic Nail Injuries: Injuries from impact or pressure that can lead to bruising, breakage, or loss of the nail.

A study published in Sports Medicine by W. Wierzbicka et al. found that these nail problems are prevalent among athletes, highlighting the importance of proper nail care.

Essential Nail Care Tips for Athletes

1. Regular Trimming and Filing

Keeping nails short and smooth helps prevent them from catching on shoes or equipment, which can cause breakage or ingrown nails. Trim your nails straight across and file the edges to prevent sharp corners. Dr. Charles Crutchfield, a podiatrist and foot and ankle surgeon, advises using nail clippers instead of scissors to get a clean, even cut (Verywell Fit).

2. Wear Proper Footwear

Proper footwear is crucial for athletes to prevent nail injuries. Shoes should fit well, providing enough room for the toes to move without being too loose. Tight shoes can cause pressure and lead to problems like ingrown toenails or bruising. Wearing breathable, moisture-wicking socks can also help keep feet dry and reduce the risk of fungal infections.

3. Maintain Foot Hygiene

Regularly washing and drying your feet thoroughly can help prevent infections. Use antibacterial soap to clean your feet, and make sure to dry them completely, especially between the toes. Dr. Steven Stiefel, dermatologist and founding director of the Stiefel Free Clinic, emphasizes the importance of using antibacterial soap to keep feet clean and prevent infections (DermTV).

4. Preventing Fungal Infections

Fungal infections are common among athletes due to sweaty, enclosed environments. To prevent these infections, regularly exfoliate your feet and apply antifungal creams. Olivia Arevalo, a certified pedicurist and nail technician, recommends these practices along with wearing breathable socks to keep nails healthy and strong (Nail Technician Academy).

5. Avoid Aggressive Nail Products

Aggressive nail polish removers, especially those containing acetone, can dry out and weaken nails. Opt for gentler, non-acetone removers and limit the use of nail polish to allow your nails to breathe and stay strong.

Dealing with Nail Injuries

Treating Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails can be particularly painful and problematic for athletes. To treat an ingrown toenail, soak your foot in warm water to soften the nail and surrounding skin. Carefully lift the ingrown edge and place a small piece of cotton under it to help it grow above the skin. If the ingrown toenail is severe or infected, seek medical attention.

Managing Fungal Infections

For fungal infections, over-the-counter antifungal creams can be effective. In more severe cases, prescription treatments may be necessary. A study in the British Journal of Dermatology by S. Zbigniew et al. showed that topical application of terbinafine solution was effective in treating fungal nail infections in elderly patients, suggesting it could also benefit athletes.

Handling Traumatic Nail Injuries

For minor nail injuries, keep the affected area clean and dry. Apply an antibiotic ointment if the skin is broken to prevent infection. For more severe injuries, such as a nail being completely torn off, seek medical attention immediately.

Personal Insights

From my own experience as an athlete, regular nail care has helped prevent many common problems. I found that keeping my toenails trimmed and wearing the right shoes made a big difference in avoiding painful ingrown toenails. A fellow runner once shared that she struggled with fungal infections until she started using antifungal powder in her shoes and keeping her feet dry, which cleared up the issue and allowed her to train more comfortably.

The Importance of Regular Inspections

Regularly inspecting your nails can help you catch any potential problems early. Look for signs of discoloration, thickening, or changes in nail shape. These could indicate infections or other issues that need attention. Early detection and treatment can prevent minor problems from becoming major ones.

Statistics on Nail Health for Athletes

A cross-sectional study published in Sports Health by S. Zbigniew et al. found that proper nail care, including regular trimming, filing, and wearing appropriate footwear, can significantly reduce the risk of foot injuries in athletes. This highlights the importance of maintaining a consistent nail care routine.


Nail care is an essential aspect of health for athletes. By keeping nails trimmed, wearing proper footwear, maintaining foot hygiene, and preventing infections, athletes can avoid common nail problems and keep their nails healthy and strong. Regular inspections and proper treatment of any issues that arise can help ensure that nail problems do not interfere with performance. With the right care and attention, athletes can keep their nails in top condition, allowing them to focus on their sport and achieve their best.

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